Chimney Repair - Copiague, New York


Chimney Repair 

Chimney Repair near me involves repairing cracks and breaks. Many people mistakenly patch their chimneys in an attempt to save money. This approach is incorrect and will soon crack again. The proper method is called stitching, and it involves grinding out horizontal mortar joints and putting in steel rods to reinforce and hold the structure together. Chimney Repair  services include:

Lyemance Dampers

A Lyemance chimney top damper is a great replacement for traditional fireplace dampers. They leak, costing you around $200 per year in energy bills. With a Lyemance damper, you can fix this problem for good. This unit mounts on the top of the chimney and creates an airtight seal. A stainless cable drops down the flue and connects to a handle in the firebox.

A Lyemance damper near me eliminates up to 90% of heat loss through a chimney and flue. The damper is easy to install on the flue tile and comes with a 32-foot stainless cable and mounting hardware for the damper handle. Installing a Lyemance damper is easy and takes just a few minutes. The damper is backed by a lifetime warranty.

Chimney Repair Long Island

If you've had to consider a Chimney Repair Long Island, you're not alone. A broken chimney is a serious safety concern, as it can create a dangerous situation for the homeowner. Leaks from a chimney can cause a variety of problems, from structural issues to mould development. The cost of repairing a chimney can be as high as $1600. The cost of a chimney repair may not seem high, but years of use will take their toll.

Luckily, there are many ways to maintain your chimney without having to spend an arm and a leg. If your chimney is clogged with debris, it will not work efficiently and could potentially expose your home to dangerous levels of carbon monoxide. To ensure your safety, you should have your chimney inspected and cleaned by a professional company. Chimney King is one of the leading chimney companies in Long Island. Their technicians use a Viper chimney cleaning system to thoroughly clean your chimney from top to bottom. Their top priority is safety, and they make sure that your chimney is free of any obstructions or debris.

Chimney Caps

Before you invest in chimney caps, you should know about their different functions and materials. A chimney cap near me is a crucial component of your fireplace's safety. It can keep water and debris out of your chimney. After choosing the right chimney cap, your technician can install it in your chimney. 

First of all, you must know the configuration of your chimney. There are three different kinds of chimney caps. These include air-cooled and factory-built ones. When purchasing chimney caps, know the size of your flue. Some of them have support systems while others simply slide into your flue. Using the right size will help you avoid chimney repair expenses. Chimney caps can be quite expensive, so be sure to budget for them accordingly.

Chimney Cleaning

Professional chimney cleaning near me will remove buildup, soot, and blockages from your chimney. These materials reduce the draw of your fireplace and pose a fire risk. Also, creosote is highly flammable, and buildup of creosote in your chimney can reduce the ventilation in your home. The rate at which your chimney deteriorates will depend on the type of wood that you burn, the quality of the wood you burn, and the overall condition of the chimney.

Stove Builder

The burning process produces a number of harmful by-products and gases. Sulfuric acid is one such by-product. This gas needs to be vented somewhere, and most likely your chimney is the proper place to do that. Inspecting and maintaining the chimney regularly is essential. Ultimately, it will save you money in the long run. However, even if you don't use the fireplace often, it is important to ensure the safety of your home and to have a chimney repair.

Chimney King
735 Chettic Avenue
Copiague, New York 11726
(516) 766-1666


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