Chimney king Lyemance Dampers - Copiague, New York

Improve Your Chimney System With Lyemance Dampers If you’re looking to improve your chimney system and save on your heating bills, you may want to consider installing a top-sealing damper. Lyemance Dampers near me and Lock-Top Dampers from HomeSaver are among the most popular energy-saving dampers in the industry. These energy-saving dampers are installed at the top of your chimney flue and sealed with an airtight silicone rubber gasket. They eliminate updrafts that siphon money out of your wallet by preventing cold air from coming down into your house and can help prevent water damage. Chimney Cleaning A chimney is one of the most important parts of any home, and it should be maintained on a regular basis. Without proper cleaning, soot, and creosote can build up to dangerous levels that will eventually cause a chimney fire. If you are interested in professional cleaning of your chimney, Chimney king Lyemance Dampers can help! They offer chimney cleaning near me , repair, and C...